One of my favorite parts of other blogs is reviews. I've l learned about great products, picked up some good books, and tried new recipes because of them. I hope to add to someone's life through my reviews as well. There won't be any rhyme or reason to them, just whatever I've encountered lately that I want to share about.

I first learned about Jāsön products from my grandmother a couple months ago. She loves their shampoo and body wash, and I enjoyed trying them as well. A few weeks ago I went to visit my parents and forgot to pack deodorant (an epic sin in the Texas summer), so while shopping at Sprouts to get a few things I came across this product and decided to try it out.
Pros: Clear stick (no white marks), pleasant smell, doesn't use some of the nasty chemicals that are in other deodorants
Cons: Feels a little slimey at first, doesn't last a full day*
Overall: I like it, I'll probably try other scents and other products from this brand. I'm not sure it really gives me "all day odor protection" but that is a lot to ask of a deodorant on a marketer in the middle of a hot Texas summer. Be sure to check out this product and others in their line at your local stores or on their website here.